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Videos & Ted Talks
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1. Why is Norway full of Teslas
2. Why TikTok Has Become a Launchpad for Entrepreneurs
3. Do schools kill creativity?
4. Why do Airlines sell too many tickets?
5. 10 ways to have a better conversation
6. What it was like to grow up under China’s one-child policy
7. Street art with a message of hope and peace
8. Who shot the sheriff? [A Bob Marley story: Netflix]
9. Crania Americana, the most important book in the history of scientific racism
10. How this border transformed a subcontinent: India & Pakistan
11. Why I love vultures
12. The History of Tesla in 5 Minutes
13. The secret of giving great feedback
14. 12 Things NOT to do in Japan
15. The workforce crisis of 2030- and how to start solving it now
16. Are indoor vertical farms the future of agriculture?
17. Why sitting is bad for you
18. The World’s Best Delivery Service? Lunch in Mumbai
19. A Brief History of Super Bowl Ads
20. How China Is Using Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms
21. Why are drug prices so high? Investigating the outdated US patent system
22. How to find a person who will help you get ahead at work
23. Japan’s Town With No Waste- Kamikatsu
24. Kopi Luwak :The Disturbing Secret Behind the World’s Most Expensive Coffee
25. Best age to be alive [Netflix]
26. Less Stuff, More Happiness
27. Why Statistics can be misleading
28. Making Peace is a Marathon
29. My year reading a book from every country in the world
30. How frustration can make us more creative
31. A Country With No Water
32. How to use data to make a hit TV show
33. Why Japan has so many vending machines
34. Why should schools start later for teens
35. Machu Picchu 101 [National Geographic]
36. The True Cost of Fast Fashion
37. Build a Tower, Build a Team
38. Divided island: How Haiti and the DR became two worlds
39. 12 Famous Logos With a Hidden Message That You Probably Never Noticed
40. The little risks you can take to increase your luck
41. How does the Rorschach inkblot test work?
42. A smog vacuum cleaner and other magical city designs
43. How Airbnb designs for trust
44. The Terrifying Danger Of Wearing Makeup In North Korea
45. Where do superstitions come from?
46. How fake handbags fund terrorism and organised crime
47. Why we have too few women leaders
48. How great leaders inspire action
49. Why you don’t need 8 glasses of water a day
50. Photos that changed the world
51. Zoom company story: How Eric Yuan defeated Skype
52. Why you think you’re right - even when you’re wrong
53. Foodie culture is now part of foreign policy — It's Gastrodiplomacy
54. How to gain control of your free time
55. A small country with big ideas to get rid of fossil fuels
56. How Reverse Mentorship Can Help Create Better Leaders
57. Using Artificial Intelligence In The Hiring Process
58. 5 Ways to Kill your Dreams
59. Why the hospital of the future will be your own home
60. Let’s Teach For Mastery - Not Test Scores
61. Starbucks Rewards: How the Coffee Giant’s Mobile App Became a Winner
62. 3 Study Hacks Everyone Should Know - Science Proven Techniques
63. What If The World Went Vegetarian?
64. What Happens When You Quit Alcohol?
65. 10 SKILLS That Are HARD to Learn, BUT Will Pay Off FOREVER!
66. 5 Rituals That Predict Success
67. 50 Cooking Tips With Gordon Ramsay
68. Shampoo is a Lie
69. Why comfort will ruin your life
70. Why specializing early doesn't always mean career success
71. Operation Bitcoin in EL SALVADOR: the DOWNSIDE
72. Why are planes usually painted white?
73. Top 20 Most Important Moments in Music History
74. How The Metaverse Will Change The World
75. Skincare Ingredients: Overrated or Underrated?
76. Vox Why new dieases keep appearing in China
77. What kids can teach adults about asking for help
78. Why we all need subtitles now
79. 19 WEIRD THINGS Swedish people do (that YOU SHOULD do too)
80. How these buildings made Turkey-Syria’s earthquake so deadly
81. Why Being 'Environmentally Friendly' Is A Scam
82. Why Tipping Is So Out Of Control In The U.S.
83. The Global Food Waste Problem
84. The ‘IKEA Effect:’ Behind the Company’s Unique Business Model
85. How to Get What You Want By Letting Go
86. The PROBLEM With Minimalism
87. The best way to apologize (according to science)
88. How China is designing flood-resistant cities
89. Why Planes Fly Over The North Pole But Not The South Pole
90. How Living at the South Pole Works
91. Why being bilingual is good for your brain
92. Why incompetent people think they're amazing
93. 200 dropped wallets- the 20 MOST and LEAST HONEST cities
94. 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do
95. How This Pen Changed The World
96. All religions explained in 10 minutes
97. The problem with sex testing in sports
98. What If We Killed Every Mosquito On Earth?
99. Etiquette Expert Answers Etiquette Questions From Twitter
100. 70 People Ages 5-75 Answer: What's Your Biggest Regret?
101. Front Door Mistakes Affecting Your Family’s Luck
102. How the English language would sound if silent letters weren’t silent
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43. How Airbnb designs for trust
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